Nușfalău is a locality situated in Sălaj county, with a population of 3214 inhabitants.


Nușfalău, Public school

Google Static Map

GPS Coordinates:
47.19737 N, 22.70468 E

A board placed on school's wall informs us that in 2000 Nușfalău's education celebrated 400 years. The name and remunaration of first rector of school are known since 1600. Once with the spreading of reformed religion the first reformed school appeared which functioned in 1759-1882, became village school, and since 1891 state popular school. In 1897 elementary school was established with 4 teachers, at inauguration royal inspector Petri Mór participated. Secular education functioned together with religious one. Now the school is named after Petri Mór.

Nușfalău, Public school, Photo: WR Nușfalău, Public school, Photo: WR
Nușfalău, Public school, Photo: WR Nușfalău, Public school, Photo: WR Nușfalău, Public school, Photo: WR Nușfalău, Public school, Photo: WR Nușfalău, Public school, Photo: WR Nușfalău, Public school, Photo: WR Nușfalău, Public school, Photo: WR Nușfalău, Public school, Photo: WR

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