Cehei is a locality situated in Sălaj county, with a population of 845 inhabitants.



Google Static Map

GPS Coordinates:
47.25775 N, 22.77320 E

The locality appears for the first time in 1351 as the property of Medgyesi Simon. Some resources sustain that it initially had another location and was moved here after Tartars invasion together with the survivors. In VI-XIX century the locality is certified as being the property of The Báthoris. In 1715 it became un-dwelt and after five years it appeared in the evidences as being dwelt again.

Cehei , Photo: WR Cehei , Photo: WR
Cehei , Photo: WR Cehei , Photo: WR Cehei , Photo: WR Cehei , Photo: WR Cehei , Photo: WR Cehei , Photo: WR


Wooden church Cehei Pond Reservation

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National Cultural Fund Administration in an online editorial project.