Gârbău is a locality situated in Cluj county, with a population of 704 inhabitants.


Gârbău, Baptistery

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GPS Coordinates:
46.82921 N, 23.33225 E

Once Gârbău locality was called Hungarian Gârbou. Hungarian population in XV century had a catholic church, the name of the priest is known Balázs, the community servant from here. The medieval church with all probabilities was built in the area indicated by the legend.

At village's the end, at a plane's edge a little water eye hold by a wadded pond with stone is seen. The inhabitants sustain that is the medieval church's baptistery man, called the bells' fountain. By the fountain location enjoys mostly the animals which browse in the area.

Baptistery, Gârbău , Photo: WR Baptistery, Gârbău , Photo: WR
Baptistery, Gârbău , Photo: WR Baptistery, Gârbău , Photo: WR Baptistery, Gârbău , Photo: WR Baptistery, Gârbău , Photo: WR Baptistery, Gârbău , Photo: WR Baptistery, Gârbău , Photo: WR Baptistery, Gârbău , Photo: WR Baptistery, Gârbău , Photo: WR Baptistery, Gârbău , Photo: WR
Baptistery, Gârbău , Photo: WR Baptistery, Gârbău , Photo: WR

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