Guruslau is a locality situated in Sălaj county, with a population of 591 inhabitants.



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GPS Coordinates:
47.27948 N, 22.97920 E

Guruslău locality situated in north of Sălaj county, at 15 km from Zalău is documentary certified since 1205. Year 1601 is a sad one in the locality's history because Mihai Viteazu and general Basta's troops, arriving from Zalău, meet at the locality's edge with those of Bathory Zsigmond, conquering them, afterwards they burn the village destroying it entirely. The inhabitants that remained rebuilt the locality in a more protected place, where is situated today as well. In 1661 the village was invaded by tartars most of inhabitants were taken under slavery. During the liberation fights lead by Rákoczi the village was destroyed again, the landlords were obliged to bring labor force from neighbor localities.


Reformed church Mihai Viteazul monument Guruslau , Photo: WR Guruslau , Photo: WR
Guruslau , Photo: WR Guruslau , Photo: WR Guruslau , Photo: WR Guruslau , Photo: WR Guruslau , Photo: WR Guruslau Guruslau Guruslau

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