Polonița is a locality situated in Harghita county, with a population of 334 inhabitants.



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GPS Coordinates:
46.33381 N, 25.24578 E

The first mention of Polonița locality, located only 5 km from Odorheiu Secuiesc, dates from 1333, when the first inhabitants settled in the valley of Polonița brook. The great born of the settlement is Orbán Balázs who became known through his work entitled Description of the Szekler Land. The Orbán estate has disappeared, but the locals still remember how big it once was. Part of the family was buried on the hill of the village. The settlement abounds in houses with porches, but we can also see Szekler gates from the early 1800s. The inhabitants keep the art and folk traditions.

Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR
Polonița , Photo: Csedő Attila Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR
Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR Polonița , Photo: WR
Polonița , Photo: WR

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